Division A Newsletter EDITORIAL TEAM
ELIZABETH GIL, Co-Editor, 2024-25
Elizabeth Gil Introduction
Elizabeth Gil, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy Division of Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education in New York. Dr. Gil’s research centers sociocultural contexts of education. She has published articles and chapters investigating how educational leaders can learn from effective leadership practices in community spaces. Her work examines environments that foster family and youth empowerment and culturally responsive leadership. Dr. Gil has published in Urban Education, Journal of School Leadership, International Journal of Leadership in Education, and International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. Dr. Gil holds a Ph.D. in K–12 Educational Administration from Michigan State University, where she was a King-Chávez-Parks Future Faculty Fellow. Her community-engaged perspective stems from over 10 years of experience in New York City Public Schools working with students, teachers, administrators, and families as a teacher, professional developer, mentor, and data specialist.
Elizabeth Gil, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy Division of Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education in New York. Dr. Gil’s research centers sociocultural contexts of education. She has published articles and chapters investigating how educational leaders can learn from effective leadership practices in community spaces. Her work examines environments that foster family and youth empowerment and culturally responsive leadership. Dr. Gil has published in Urban Education, Journal of School Leadership, International Journal of Leadership in Education, and International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. Dr. Gil holds a Ph.D. in K–12 Educational Administration from Michigan State University, where she was a King-Chávez-Parks Future Faculty Fellow. Her community-engaged perspective stems from over 10 years of experience in New York City Public Schools working with students, teachers, administrators, and families as a teacher, professional developer, mentor, and data specialist.
jennifer watters, Co-Editor, 2024-2025
Jennifer Bailey Watters Introduction
Dr. Jennifer Bailey Watters is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Curriculum & Instruction in the School of Education at the University of Texas at Tyler. Serving as a teacher, principal, and central office administrator before moving into higher education, Dr. Watters now prepares instructional coaches and school leaders. Her research centers around school leadership learning to improve leadership attrition and advance school improvement outcomes. Dr. Watters' research has been published in NASSP Bulletin, Cogent Education, and a number of peer-reviewed book chapters. She is also the lead editor on the upcoming book, Reimagining the P-20 Landscape for School Leadership Learning, scheduled to be released in early 2025. Dr. Watters is an active member within several AERA SIGs and currently serves as Chair for the School Effectiveness and School Improvement SIG and Faculty Advisor for the Research Development Program within the Leadership for School Improvement SIG.
Dr. Jennifer Bailey Watters is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Curriculum & Instruction in the School of Education at the University of Texas at Tyler. Serving as a teacher, principal, and central office administrator before moving into higher education, Dr. Watters now prepares instructional coaches and school leaders. Her research centers around school leadership learning to improve leadership attrition and advance school improvement outcomes. Dr. Watters' research has been published in NASSP Bulletin, Cogent Education, and a number of peer-reviewed book chapters. She is also the lead editor on the upcoming book, Reimagining the P-20 Landscape for School Leadership Learning, scheduled to be released in early 2025. Dr. Watters is an active member within several AERA SIGs and currently serves as Chair for the School Effectiveness and School Improvement SIG and Faculty Advisor for the Research Development Program within the Leadership for School Improvement SIG.
Meagan Richard, Co-Associate Editor, 2024-25
Meagan Richard Introduction
Dr. Meagan S. Richard is an Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations and Leadership at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Dr. Richard is a scholar in the field of school leadership, specializing in socially-just school leadership practice and preparation. A hallmark of Dr. Richard’s research is her advancement of an empirically-grounded framework of justice-centered school leadership practice, which lays out five key domains of justice-centered practice, 13 key practices, and an additional 28 sub-practices evidenced across school leaders in seven U.S. districts. Her research has been recognized multiple times by AERA’s Division A, as well as the Leadership for School Improvement SIG and the Leadership for Social Justice SIG. She is also an elected Executive Committee member of the Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership SIG. Prior to joining Old Dominion, Dr. Richard earned her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois-Chicago.
Dr. Meagan S. Richard is an Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations and Leadership at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Dr. Richard is a scholar in the field of school leadership, specializing in socially-just school leadership practice and preparation. A hallmark of Dr. Richard’s research is her advancement of an empirically-grounded framework of justice-centered school leadership practice, which lays out five key domains of justice-centered practice, 13 key practices, and an additional 28 sub-practices evidenced across school leaders in seven U.S. districts. Her research has been recognized multiple times by AERA’s Division A, as well as the Leadership for School Improvement SIG and the Leadership for Social Justice SIG. She is also an elected Executive Committee member of the Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership SIG. Prior to joining Old Dominion, Dr. Richard earned her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois-Chicago.
alison wilson, Co-Associate Editor, 2024-25
Alison Wilson Introduction
Dr. Alison Wilson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Houston. As a former language arts teacher and department head in a large public school district, she is interested in how educators and policymakers can more equitably support student belonging, wellbeing, and success in PK-12 schools. Her research critically examines school structures, norms, policies, and practices that contribute to inequitable student experiences and outcome disparities. Her research has been published in Social Science Research, American Journal of Education, Peabody Journal of Education, Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, and The High School Journal, among others.
Dr. Alison Wilson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Houston. As a former language arts teacher and department head in a large public school district, she is interested in how educators and policymakers can more equitably support student belonging, wellbeing, and success in PK-12 schools. Her research critically examines school structures, norms, policies, and practices that contribute to inequitable student experiences and outcome disparities. Her research has been published in Social Science Research, American Journal of Education, Peabody Journal of Education, Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, and The High School Journal, among others.