Message from Emma Bullock, Division A Senior Representative
The purpose of the AERA Division A Graduate Student Representatives and Committee Members is to work collaboratively with one another in order to provide opportunities for other graduate students in the division. The goal is to strengthen and broaden the graduate school experience for Division A students. This is accomplished by disseminating information about annual AERA and UCEA conference sessions, inviting participation in the Connect Series webinars, and informing graduate students of various scholarships and awards through the AERA Graduate Student listserv and social media outlets. AERA Division A conference sessions and the Connect Series are planned to help fellow graduate students navigate academic life; provide opportunities for networking with fellow graduate students, faculty, and practitioners in the field; and offer guidance in transitioning from graduate student life to careers as professional scholars and researchers. There are lots of ways to get involved with Division A graduate student activities with varying levels of commitment. Graduate students are encouraged to contact the Senior or Junior Representative for more information about opportunities to get involved with Division A graduate student activities. The contact information for the Senior and Junior Representatives is: Emma Bullock at [email protected] and Wei-Ling Sun at [email protected].
As the 2016-17 Division A Graduate Student Representative, my goals for this year include: increasing graduate student enrollment and engagement in the Division A Graduate Student Committee (GSC), fine tuning and strengthening existing initiatives with the help of our amazing GSC, exploring more publishing opportunities for Division A graduate students, and helping to update the general AERA website, which is currently grossly out of date.
Here is a list of initiatives we are working on this year:
Conference Sessions and Opportunities:
AERA Division A Fireside Chat: At AERA, each graduate student division plans a Fireside Chat with a focus on the current conference theme from the perspectives of the division. Scholars and practitioners with known expertise on the topic are invited to facilitate the discussion. Questions and comments from graduate students are encouraged. The 2017 Division A Fireside Chat’s current working title is: STEM Education and School Leadership: Equitably Accessing the Playing Field and is being developed to work in concert with the AERA’s 2017 Annual Meeting Theme: Knowledge to Action: Achieving the Promise of Equal Educational Opportunity.
AERA Division A Dialogic Forum: This AERA pre-session event allows students who are not presenting in the AERA 2017 Annual Meeting to share research-in-progress in a roundtable format and receive in-depth feedback from faculty.
UCEA Publishing Session: This session is co-administered alongside the Division L GSC and takes place at the Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). It offers doctoral students an opportunity to dialogue with a panel of students and faculty who have a rich record in publishing and learn how to navigate the publish or perish realities of the academy.
Foster-Polite Scholarship: This scholarship offers a $500 stipend to four graduate students who are members of Division A (excluding committee members) and who are accepted for the AERA Annual meeting. (See below.)
Connect Series: The Connect Series is a collection of live, interactive webinars that explore pressing educational leadership issues of the day. These webinars are archived for future viewing if live viewing is not an option. A combination of professors, practitioners, and/or policymakers cover themes related to administration, policy, organization, and leadership. Please stay tuned for our exciting lineup to be published soon! (See below.)
Division A Graduate Student Committee Opportunities: There are interesting and rewarding ways in which to become involved with Division A as a graduate student. Keep your eyes out for the opportunity to become a member of the Division A GSC. Positions include two-year Junior Representative/Senior Representative, and one-year opportunities like Connect Series Co-Chair, UCEA Publishing Session Chair, Communications Co-Chair, Foster-Polite Scholarship Chair, Dialogic Forum Chair, and Lead Reviewers. All of these positions allow for fantastic networking with graduate students, faculty, and practitioners interested in administration, policy, organization, and leadership. Application will be solicited starting in February 2017!
The purpose of the AERA Division A Graduate Student Representatives and Committee Members is to work collaboratively with one another in order to provide opportunities for other graduate students in the division. The goal is to strengthen and broaden the graduate school experience for Division A students. This is accomplished by disseminating information about annual AERA and UCEA conference sessions, inviting participation in the Connect Series webinars, and informing graduate students of various scholarships and awards through the AERA Graduate Student listserv and social media outlets. AERA Division A conference sessions and the Connect Series are planned to help fellow graduate students navigate academic life; provide opportunities for networking with fellow graduate students, faculty, and practitioners in the field; and offer guidance in transitioning from graduate student life to careers as professional scholars and researchers. There are lots of ways to get involved with Division A graduate student activities with varying levels of commitment. Graduate students are encouraged to contact the Senior or Junior Representative for more information about opportunities to get involved with Division A graduate student activities. The contact information for the Senior and Junior Representatives is: Emma Bullock at [email protected] and Wei-Ling Sun at [email protected].
As the 2016-17 Division A Graduate Student Representative, my goals for this year include: increasing graduate student enrollment and engagement in the Division A Graduate Student Committee (GSC), fine tuning and strengthening existing initiatives with the help of our amazing GSC, exploring more publishing opportunities for Division A graduate students, and helping to update the general AERA website, which is currently grossly out of date.
Here is a list of initiatives we are working on this year:
Conference Sessions and Opportunities:
AERA Division A Fireside Chat: At AERA, each graduate student division plans a Fireside Chat with a focus on the current conference theme from the perspectives of the division. Scholars and practitioners with known expertise on the topic are invited to facilitate the discussion. Questions and comments from graduate students are encouraged. The 2017 Division A Fireside Chat’s current working title is: STEM Education and School Leadership: Equitably Accessing the Playing Field and is being developed to work in concert with the AERA’s 2017 Annual Meeting Theme: Knowledge to Action: Achieving the Promise of Equal Educational Opportunity.
AERA Division A Dialogic Forum: This AERA pre-session event allows students who are not presenting in the AERA 2017 Annual Meeting to share research-in-progress in a roundtable format and receive in-depth feedback from faculty.
UCEA Publishing Session: This session is co-administered alongside the Division L GSC and takes place at the Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). It offers doctoral students an opportunity to dialogue with a panel of students and faculty who have a rich record in publishing and learn how to navigate the publish or perish realities of the academy.
Foster-Polite Scholarship: This scholarship offers a $500 stipend to four graduate students who are members of Division A (excluding committee members) and who are accepted for the AERA Annual meeting. (See below.)
Connect Series: The Connect Series is a collection of live, interactive webinars that explore pressing educational leadership issues of the day. These webinars are archived for future viewing if live viewing is not an option. A combination of professors, practitioners, and/or policymakers cover themes related to administration, policy, organization, and leadership. Please stay tuned for our exciting lineup to be published soon! (See below.)
Division A Graduate Student Committee Opportunities: There are interesting and rewarding ways in which to become involved with Division A as a graduate student. Keep your eyes out for the opportunity to become a member of the Division A GSC. Positions include two-year Junior Representative/Senior Representative, and one-year opportunities like Connect Series Co-Chair, UCEA Publishing Session Chair, Communications Co-Chair, Foster-Polite Scholarship Chair, Dialogic Forum Chair, and Lead Reviewers. All of these positions allow for fantastic networking with graduate students, faculty, and practitioners interested in administration, policy, organization, and leadership. Application will be solicited starting in February 2017!

Message from Jason Ribeiro and Alison Wilson, Communications Co-Chairs
Hi, everyone! We are so looking forward to serving on the Division A Graduate Student Committee for 2016-17. As your Communications Co-Chairs we are tasked with advertising all Division A graduate student events and opportunities. We also help keep you informed by contributing to the Division A Newsletter. Keep checking your email and our social media channels for important information throughout the upcoming academic year. You can also use our communication channels to engage in key discussions, content sharing, and professional networking. We look forward to connecting with as many members as we can, both in-person and virtually. Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions and ideas!
Upcoming News and Events
Three Reasons You Need the Foster-Polite Scholarship
The purpose of the Foster-Polite Scholarship is to recognize and promote scholarly excellence in doctoral students who are enrolled in an educational administration/school leadership program. The Scholarship awards $500 travel stipends to four graduate students, who have single or first authorship on a paper accepted to a Division A session or a related SIG session during the AERA Annual Meeting. Be sure to look for full application announcements beginning in late November. In the meantime, do not forget to submit a proposal to a Division A session and/or a SIG relevant to educational leadership.
The Connect Series
The Connect Series will include several 60-minute, virtual sessions that will take place on Mondays between September 2016 and June 2017. The main goal of this event is to utilize virtual meeting technology to increase real-time engagement among graduate students, professors, practitioners, and policymakers. Sessions will focus on current policy and practice issues related to the Division A themes: leadership, school organization and effects, school improvement, school contexts and communities, and leadership development.
Contact Us!
Division A Graduate Student Committee
Hi, everyone! We are so looking forward to serving on the Division A Graduate Student Committee for 2016-17. As your Communications Co-Chairs we are tasked with advertising all Division A graduate student events and opportunities. We also help keep you informed by contributing to the Division A Newsletter. Keep checking your email and our social media channels for important information throughout the upcoming academic year. You can also use our communication channels to engage in key discussions, content sharing, and professional networking. We look forward to connecting with as many members as we can, both in-person and virtually. Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions and ideas!
Upcoming News and Events
Three Reasons You Need the Foster-Polite Scholarship
- It gets you to the AERA Annual Meeting with less money out of your pocket!
- It would look awesome on your curriculum vitae!
- You get to brag to your advisor, family, and friends that you earned a scholarship!
The purpose of the Foster-Polite Scholarship is to recognize and promote scholarly excellence in doctoral students who are enrolled in an educational administration/school leadership program. The Scholarship awards $500 travel stipends to four graduate students, who have single or first authorship on a paper accepted to a Division A session or a related SIG session during the AERA Annual Meeting. Be sure to look for full application announcements beginning in late November. In the meantime, do not forget to submit a proposal to a Division A session and/or a SIG relevant to educational leadership.
The Connect Series
The Connect Series will include several 60-minute, virtual sessions that will take place on Mondays between September 2016 and June 2017. The main goal of this event is to utilize virtual meeting technology to increase real-time engagement among graduate students, professors, practitioners, and policymakers. Sessions will focus on current policy and practice issues related to the Division A themes: leadership, school organization and effects, school improvement, school contexts and communities, and leadership development.
Contact Us!
Division A Graduate Student Committee

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