Dear Division A graduate student members:
Greetings! I hope you have a relaxing and productive summer break. As many disheartening events happened all over the world in the past months, we as future leaders and researchers have more responsibilities than ever to set examples as global citizens. I am proud to announce that our new GSC team will continue creating an inclusive culture to serve our graduate student members and will keep carrying our Division A’s vision to not only prevent but also confront the prevalence of racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, Islamophobia, nativism, and all other –isms or phobias that dehumanize individuals and obstruct societal reforms. Our 2018 Graduate Student Committee members are a group of graduate students who are compassionate in various social issues with rich experiences in educational leadership, academic scholarship, and public service. All of our GSC members are active participants of AERA and UCEA. Many of them are either current or former AERA or UCEA fellowship/scholarship recipients. Our 2018 Junior Graduate Representative, Donna Druery, is a current Barbara Jackson Scholar with extensive experiences in mentoring women leaders.
It has been delightful working with this dream team. Our Junior Representative, Donna, has been busy shadowing all the tasks I am assigned to do. The Connect Series Co-Chairs, Brandon and Guillermo, incorporated our GSC members and graduate student members’ voices to finalize topics and guest speakers for the rest of the semester. The Communication Co-Chairs, Julie and Courtney, have been diligently updating and managing Div. A Graduate Student Corner newsletters and other social media platforms. Our lead reviewers, Davis, Amanda, and Abby, will work with the Dialogic Forum Chair, Nakia, and the Foster-Polite Scholarship Chair, Bryan, to select scholarship/fellowship recipients with outstanding scholarly works. Last, but not least, the UCEA Publishing Session Chair, Amanda, will work with UCEA and Division L graduate representatives to provide a publication mentorship session in the 2018 UCEA Convention in November.
I hope all of our Division A graduate student members are as excited as me about the wonderful services and opportunities our GSC team provides. You are part of this community; and your voices count. Your voices and feedback will help us provide an inclusive environment that reflects our members’ needs. If you have not yet followed any of our social media, please do.
Website: http://aeradivisiona.org/graduate-student-corner.html
Twitter: @DivisionAGSC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AeraDivisionA
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8eqOxlsBBw73budrEum0yQ
Also, don’t forget to sign up our AERA Division A graduate student listserv. You can do that on the AERA official website. If you have, stay tuned. We will send out announcements soon!
Greetings! I hope you have a relaxing and productive summer break. As many disheartening events happened all over the world in the past months, we as future leaders and researchers have more responsibilities than ever to set examples as global citizens. I am proud to announce that our new GSC team will continue creating an inclusive culture to serve our graduate student members and will keep carrying our Division A’s vision to not only prevent but also confront the prevalence of racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, Islamophobia, nativism, and all other –isms or phobias that dehumanize individuals and obstruct societal reforms. Our 2018 Graduate Student Committee members are a group of graduate students who are compassionate in various social issues with rich experiences in educational leadership, academic scholarship, and public service. All of our GSC members are active participants of AERA and UCEA. Many of them are either current or former AERA or UCEA fellowship/scholarship recipients. Our 2018 Junior Graduate Representative, Donna Druery, is a current Barbara Jackson Scholar with extensive experiences in mentoring women leaders.
It has been delightful working with this dream team. Our Junior Representative, Donna, has been busy shadowing all the tasks I am assigned to do. The Connect Series Co-Chairs, Brandon and Guillermo, incorporated our GSC members and graduate student members’ voices to finalize topics and guest speakers for the rest of the semester. The Communication Co-Chairs, Julie and Courtney, have been diligently updating and managing Div. A Graduate Student Corner newsletters and other social media platforms. Our lead reviewers, Davis, Amanda, and Abby, will work with the Dialogic Forum Chair, Nakia, and the Foster-Polite Scholarship Chair, Bryan, to select scholarship/fellowship recipients with outstanding scholarly works. Last, but not least, the UCEA Publishing Session Chair, Amanda, will work with UCEA and Division L graduate representatives to provide a publication mentorship session in the 2018 UCEA Convention in November.
I hope all of our Division A graduate student members are as excited as me about the wonderful services and opportunities our GSC team provides. You are part of this community; and your voices count. Your voices and feedback will help us provide an inclusive environment that reflects our members’ needs. If you have not yet followed any of our social media, please do.
Website: http://aeradivisiona.org/graduate-student-corner.html
Twitter: @DivisionAGSC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AeraDivisionA
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8eqOxlsBBw73budrEum0yQ
Also, don’t forget to sign up our AERA Division A graduate student listserv. You can do that on the AERA official website. If you have, stay tuned. We will send out announcements soon!
Your committee members
Throughout the year, we will highlight our graduate students representatives:
Abby Mahone is pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership at Lehigh University. Building on over 100 years of research, her dissertation utilizes quantitative analyses to investigate the relationship between how principals spend their time and school contexts, including student performance and academic growth. Additional research interests include principal preparation, teacher effectiveness, and school turnaround. Prior to her doctoral study, Abby taught for nearly a decade in independent and charter schools. Highlights of her teaching career include creating and implementing curriculum for a new environmental charter school, engaging sixth graders in the study of ancient history, and directing the yearly middle school musical. Abby holds a B.A. in Theatre from Muhlenberg College, as well as a M.Ed in Globalization and Educational Change from Lehigh University. |
Nakia Gray-Nicolas is a doctoral candidate in Educational Leadership at the Steinhardt School of Education, Culture and Human Development at New York University. Her dissertation research focuses on interrogating the purpose and effectiveness of and access to pre-college transition programs as they relate to the college readiness of traditionally marginalized populations. Nakia has over 10 years of combined experience in non-profit, secondary education, and higher education. Prior to entering her doctoral program, she worked at a non-profit organization as a program coordinator and eventually the youth services director, and then as a middle school English teacher. While enrolled in her program she worked as a college transition program director and now works as a college lecturer teaching first-year seminar and research courses. Nakia holds a B.A. in English from Cornell University and two Master of Science degrees (English Education and Inclusive Special Education) from the Syracuse University Graduate School of Education. Nakia is also an avid volunteer and continues to mentor high school and college students. |
Davis Clement, M.Ed., is a Ph.D. candidate in Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership at the William & Mary School of Education. Formerly, he taught middle school humanities to sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders in Little Rock, Arkansas. Davis was the editor-in-chief of the William & Mary Educational Review for two years, and he has three ongoing studies in schools at the moment: one on high school student engagement and resistance, another on the characteristics of vibrant school climates, and a longitudinal discourse analysis of large school district strategic planning in the age of NCLB/RttT/ESSA. His dissertation, which he expects to defend in spring of 2018, is a critical policy analysis and Critical Race counternarrative of the recent state takeover of Little Rock School District and dissolution of the Little Rock School Board. |
Graduate student publications
We want to recognize the publications of our Division A graduate students! If you have recently published a paper that you would like to be featured here, please email your communication co-chair, Julie Kallio.
Atef, A. & Mahdi, M. (2017). A teacher and students' transformation at a time of war: A case from Yemen. In S. Baily, F. Shahrokhi, & T. Carsillo (Eds.), Experiments in agency: a global partnership to transform teacher research (pp. 57-76). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Clement, D., Fries, B. R., Postma, M., & Zhang, B. (2015). Informed interaction: A funds of knowledge approach to students in poverty. William & Mary Educational Review, 3(2). 58–69.
Duckor, B., & Holmberg, C. (2017). Mastering formative assessment Moves: 7 high-leverage practices to advance student learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Evans, C. M. (2017). Interpersonal communication application to leadership. In V.C.X. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Strategic Leadership and Management (pp.296-316). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1- 5225-1049- 9.ch022
Evans, C. M. (2016). Book Review of Andragogical and Pedagogical Methods for Curriculum and Program Development, by V. C. X. Wang & V. C. Bryan. International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, Hershey, PA: IGI Global 7(3), 95-95.
Fakunle, L., Allison, P. & Fordyce, K. (2016). Chinese postgraduate students’ perspectives on developing critical thinking on a UK Education Masters. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 5(1), 27-38.
Flood, J. T., and Roberts, J. (2017). The evolving nature of higher education accreditation: Legal considerations for institutional research leaders. New Directions for Institutional Research,2016(172), 73-84. doi:10.1002/ir.20205. Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ir.20205/full
Jenkins, T. S., Jaksch, M. L., Endsley, C. L., & Keith, A. R., (Eds.). (2017). The open mic night: Campus programs that champion college student voice and engagement. S.l.: Stylus Publishing.
Liles,. V., Druery, D.M., Matthews, Y., Larke, P.J., & Webb-Hasan, G. (2017). Community service learning roles in the education of African American girls. In P.J. Larke, G. Webb-Hasan, and J.L. Young. (Eds)., Cultivating achievement, respect, and empowerment for African American Girls in preK-12 settings: Implications for access, equity, and achievement. North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
Porter, S. H. (2017). Next in line to lead: The voice of the assistant principal. Perfect Time SHP. Suitland, MD.
Ribeiro, J. (2017). [Review of the book Is technology good for education?, by Neil Selwyn]. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy 2017(182). Retrieved from https://cjeap.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42078/30057
Stott, T.A., Allison, P. and Von Wald, K. and Fakunle, O. (2016) Exploring outcomes of a five-week youth expedition in the Himalayas using the Sail Training Programme Self-Assessment Toolkit, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica 52 (2), 56–74.
Struyve, C., Hannes, K., Meredith, C., Vandecandelaere, M., Gielen, S., & De Fraine, B. (recently accepted). Teacher leadership in practice: Mapping the negotiation of the position of the special educational needs coordinator in schools. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, X(X), XXX-XXX.
Struyve, C., Meredith, C., & Gielen, S. (2014). Who am I and where do I belong? The perception and evaluation of teacher leaders concerning teacher leadership practices and micropolitics in schools. Journal of Educational Change, 15(2), 203-230.
Clement, D., Fries, B. R., Postma, M., & Zhang, B. (2015). Informed interaction: A funds of knowledge approach to students in poverty. William & Mary Educational Review, 3(2). 58–69.
Duckor, B., & Holmberg, C. (2017). Mastering formative assessment Moves: 7 high-leverage practices to advance student learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Evans, C. M. (2017). Interpersonal communication application to leadership. In V.C.X. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Strategic Leadership and Management (pp.296-316). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1- 5225-1049- 9.ch022
Evans, C. M. (2016). Book Review of Andragogical and Pedagogical Methods for Curriculum and Program Development, by V. C. X. Wang & V. C. Bryan. International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, Hershey, PA: IGI Global 7(3), 95-95.
Fakunle, L., Allison, P. & Fordyce, K. (2016). Chinese postgraduate students’ perspectives on developing critical thinking on a UK Education Masters. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 5(1), 27-38.
Flood, J. T., and Roberts, J. (2017). The evolving nature of higher education accreditation: Legal considerations for institutional research leaders. New Directions for Institutional Research,2016(172), 73-84. doi:10.1002/ir.20205. Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ir.20205/full
Jenkins, T. S., Jaksch, M. L., Endsley, C. L., & Keith, A. R., (Eds.). (2017). The open mic night: Campus programs that champion college student voice and engagement. S.l.: Stylus Publishing.
Liles,. V., Druery, D.M., Matthews, Y., Larke, P.J., & Webb-Hasan, G. (2017). Community service learning roles in the education of African American girls. In P.J. Larke, G. Webb-Hasan, and J.L. Young. (Eds)., Cultivating achievement, respect, and empowerment for African American Girls in preK-12 settings: Implications for access, equity, and achievement. North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
Porter, S. H. (2017). Next in line to lead: The voice of the assistant principal. Perfect Time SHP. Suitland, MD.
Ribeiro, J. (2017). [Review of the book Is technology good for education?, by Neil Selwyn]. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy 2017(182). Retrieved from https://cjeap.ca/index.php/cjeap/article/view/42078/30057
Stott, T.A., Allison, P. and Von Wald, K. and Fakunle, O. (2016) Exploring outcomes of a five-week youth expedition in the Himalayas using the Sail Training Programme Self-Assessment Toolkit, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica 52 (2), 56–74.
Struyve, C., Hannes, K., Meredith, C., Vandecandelaere, M., Gielen, S., & De Fraine, B. (recently accepted). Teacher leadership in practice: Mapping the negotiation of the position of the special educational needs coordinator in schools. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, X(X), XXX-XXX.
Struyve, C., Meredith, C., & Gielen, S. (2014). Who am I and where do I belong? The perception and evaluation of teacher leaders concerning teacher leadership practices and micropolitics in schools. Journal of Educational Change, 15(2), 203-230.