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Lewis, K. (2016). Social justice leadership and inclusion: A genealogy. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 48(4), 324-341.
Lucas, T., Linsenmeyer, W. (2016). Caught in a crisis: How student and parent perception influences admission. The Journal of College Admission.
Lucas, T. Linsenmeyer, W., O’Brien, K. (2016). Crisis Management: An Assessment of College and University Executive Communications Prior to the Darren Wilson Grand Jury Decision. Western Journal of Black Studies Special Issue on Ferguson (39)4.
Mann, J., & Casebeer, D. (2016). Mapping civic engagement: A case study of service-learning in Appalachia. Excellence in Higher Education, 11(1), 85-96. doi: 10.1177/1746197915626089
Mann, J. & DeAngelo, L. (2016). An examination of the transformative learning potential of alternative spring breaks. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. Retrieved from
Miranda, C.P., Enumah, L., & McGhee, C. (2015). Single-Sex Schools for Boys of Color Panacea or Yet Another Failure of NCLB? [Review of the book Schooling for Resilience]. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8(2), p. 296.
Rosario-Moore, A. (2015). OneApp, many considerations: Black social capital and school choice in New Orleans. Souls, 17(3-4), 231.
Rosario-Moore, A. (2016). Convergence culture and school change: developing collaborative learning communities for the 21st century. In J. Slater, M. Reardon, & R. Ravid (Eds.), Building and Maintaining Collaborative Communities: Schools, University, and Community Organizations. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.
Rosario-Moore, A., and Rosario-Moore, E. (2017). From the ground up: criminal law education for communities most affected by mass incarceration. Clinical Law Review. (23) 2.
Superfine, B. M., & De Voto, C. (2016). The ESEA and teacher workforce management systems. Education Law & Policy Review, 3, 241-272.
Williams, J. (2016). African American males' college preparedness: The role of spirituality in home-based education. In T. Hicks (Ed.), Spirituality research studies in higher education Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc.
Williams, J. (2016). Homeschoolers: Experiences of African American males. Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals, 4(1), 110-121.
Williams, J. (forthcoming). Introduction. In A. Pitre (Ed.), Perspectives on diversity, equity, and social justice. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
[Presidential Essay]. Economics Education Finance and Policy, 11(4), 361-368.
Clement, D., Fries, B., Postma, M., & Zhang, B. (2015). Informed interaction: A Funds of Knowledge approach to students in poverty. The William & Mary Educational Review, 3(2), 58–69.
Lewis, K. (2016). Social justice leadership and inclusion: A genealogy. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 48(4), 324-341.
Lucas, T., Linsenmeyer, W. (2016). Caught in a crisis: How student and parent perception influences admission. The Journal of College Admission.
Lucas, T. Linsenmeyer, W., O’Brien, K. (2016). Crisis Management: An Assessment of College and University Executive Communications Prior to the Darren Wilson Grand Jury Decision. Western Journal of Black Studies Special Issue on Ferguson (39)4.
Mann, J., & Casebeer, D. (2016). Mapping civic engagement: A case study of service-learning in Appalachia. Excellence in Higher Education, 11(1), 85-96. doi: 10.1177/1746197915626089
Mann, J. & DeAngelo, L. (2016). An examination of the transformative learning potential of alternative spring breaks. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. Retrieved from
Miranda, C.P., Enumah, L., & McGhee, C. (2015). Single-Sex Schools for Boys of Color Panacea or Yet Another Failure of NCLB? [Review of the book Schooling for Resilience]. Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8(2), p. 296.
Rosario-Moore, A. (2015). OneApp, many considerations: Black social capital and school choice in New Orleans. Souls, 17(3-4), 231.
Rosario-Moore, A. (2016). Convergence culture and school change: developing collaborative learning communities for the 21st century. In J. Slater, M. Reardon, & R. Ravid (Eds.), Building and Maintaining Collaborative Communities: Schools, University, and Community Organizations. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.
Rosario-Moore, A., and Rosario-Moore, E. (2017). From the ground up: criminal law education for communities most affected by mass incarceration. Clinical Law Review. (23) 2.
Superfine, B. M., & De Voto, C. (2016). The ESEA and teacher workforce management systems. Education Law & Policy Review, 3, 241-272.
Williams, J. (2016). African American males' college preparedness: The role of spirituality in home-based education. In T. Hicks (Ed.), Spirituality research studies in higher education Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc.
Williams, J. (2016). Homeschoolers: Experiences of African American males. Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals, 4(1), 110-121.
Williams, J. (forthcoming). Introduction. In A. Pitre (Ed.), Perspectives on diversity, equity, and social justice. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.