University of Utah
Title of Paper: "What Factors Affect Principal Mobility and Departure? An Analysis of 2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey and 2008-09 Principal Follow-Up Survey"
Rui Yan is a third year PhD student in the Educational Leadership and Policy Department (ELP), at the University of Utah. Currently, she is a research assistant in ELP as well as a graduate assistant at the Utah Education Policy Center.

Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
Title of Paper: "Exploring Principals' Use of Teacher Effectiveness Data for Human Capital Decision Making"
Tim is a fourth year Ph.D. Candidate in K-12 Education Leadership and Policy at Vanderbilt University. His research interests include school leadership, data-driven decision making, and teacher evaluation policy. Starting in January, 2016 he will begin working as a tenure-track professor of education leadership at North Carolina State University.

Victoria University of Wellington
Title of Paper: "The Role of Distributed Leadership in Networked School Improvement: Evidence from New Zealand"
Sarah is an outgoing Fulbright Fellow to New Zealand and an incoming 6th grade teacher with Teach for America in the Arkansas Delta. In New Zealand, Sarah studied the role of school leaders in building school networks to improve outcomes for academically struggling students. Sarah holds a B.A. in Public Policy Studies from Vanderbilt University and a M.P.A. with a specialization in education policy analysis from American University.

University of Toronto
Title of Paper: "Constructing policy problems and solutions: A critical policy analysis of bullying policies in Ontario, Canada"
Stephanie is a PhD candidate at OISE/UT. Her thesis explores what motivates elementary school teachers to do equity work, how they understand, recognize and act on in/equities, and what helps and hinders them in doing this work. She also researches educational leadership and policy.