AERA Division A Newsletter 2016 Call for Submissions
Division A Newsletter is excited to announce a call for graduate students’ work-in-progress research articles to provide graduate students an opportunity to experience the academic journal publication process. We are currently accepting paper submissions that address educational leadership issues and are related to one of the nine 2016-17 Connect Series topics:
(1) Cultural Competency in Schools
(2) Homeless and Refugee Student Education
(3) ESSA and Transition to States
(4) Social Justice Leadership
(5) STEM Leadership for Marginalized Students
(6) Early Childhood Education Leadership
(7) Leadership in Gifted Education
(8) The Role of Data in Educational Leadership
(9) Leadership for the Arts and Humanities
Manuscripts should be formatted according to APA 6th edition. Submissions can be single or multiple graduate student authored. Conceptual papers, qualitative/quantitative/mixed-method research papers, or literature reviews are eligible for submission. Incomplete papers will not be considered. Manuscripts should be original and should not be under consideration or published elsewhere. A subcommittee of the Division A Graduate Student Committee will review all papers. Students who submit manuscripts will be invited as guest reviewers and will be assigned to review at least one paper. Students who fail to review their assigned paper(s) by the requested deadline forfeit their eligibility for acceptance.
The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2016.
General Guidelines
- Manuscripts should not be longer than 8-10 pages, including all tables and figures (excluding cover page, abstract, and references).
- Please submit a blind copy manuscript (author names and references to the author(s) removed) to [email protected] with the subject line “2016 Division A Graduate Student Publication”.
- A separate title page with author(s)/contact information is required.
- One paper will be selected for publication in the Division A Newsletter in January.
UCEA Publishing Session
Session Title: Publish and Thrive: Steps to Jumpstart the Publishing Process
Graduate students know how important it is to become published, but how is it done? Aside from completing coursework and comprehensive examinations, graduate students -particularly first and second year doctoral students - often contemplate the steps necessary to become a respected and tenured scholar. Thoughts of establishing a solid research agenda and quality publications are often met with uncertainty and trepidation among aspiring academics. A panel of published scholars will provide stories and advice to help make the publishing process feel less intimidating for doctoral students. This particular session will provide beginning and mid-career doctoral students a space to engage in rich discourse with established scholars as well as emergent scholars regarding the “How To’s” of: (a) developing a research agenda, (b) publishing as a student, and (c) publishing as junior faculty. Secondly, we hope to take the fear out of the “Publish or Perish” maxim by providing future scholars with the steps they need to follow in order to jumpstart the process and thrive in the area of publishing.
Call for Recent and Upcoming Publications
We would like to invite Division A graduate students to submit reference citation(s) for their recent or upcoming publications. If you are interested in having your work included in a feature section of the next Division A newsletter, please submit your APA-formatted reference citation to [email protected].
Contact Us!
Division A Graduate Student Committee
Websites: www.aeradivisiona.org
AERA Graduate Student Council
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