2017 AERA Division A Foster-Polite Scholarship
Purpose: The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize and promote scholarly excellence in doctoral students who are members of Division A and who are enrolled in an educational administration, school leadership, or related program.
Award: Four awardees will receive $500 to assist with expenses related to attending the AERA Annual Meeting held April 27, 2017 - May 1, 2017 in San Antonio, Texas.
Application: Email a completed application to [email protected] with the subject line “2017 Foster-Polite Scholarship Application.” Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST on January 7, 2017.
Application must include:
Applicant Background
Learn more about how to apply at http://bit.ly/2gLpNNp.
2017 AERA Division A Dialogic Forum
Division A will be sponsoring a special roundtable for emerging research by graduate students at the 2017 AERA Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX. We invite you to submit research related to the 2017 Annual Meeting Theme: “Knowledge to Action: Achieving the Promise of Equal Educational Opportunity”
The Division A Dialogic Forum is an additional opportunity for graduate students who have not had their work already accepted in this year's convention. Consider submitting your work. It is a great platform to share your research, receive constructive feedback from scholars and peers, and get a pulse of current and future directions of research in the field. Even if this is your first presentation or your work in still in progress, we encourage you to submit! Please see below for more information about this call for proposals.
Proposal Requirements:
All applications will be blind-reviewed by Division A Graduate Student Committee representatives. Proposals that are late, incomplete, or exceed the 1,000 word limit will not be considered. Decisions will be sent via email after January 2017.
Contact Us!
Division A Graduate Student Committee
Websites: www.aeradivisiona.org
AERA Graduate Student Council
Click on the icons below to follow us on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook!
Purpose: The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize and promote scholarly excellence in doctoral students who are members of Division A and who are enrolled in an educational administration, school leadership, or related program.
Award: Four awardees will receive $500 to assist with expenses related to attending the AERA Annual Meeting held April 27, 2017 - May 1, 2017 in San Antonio, Texas.
Application: Email a completed application to [email protected] with the subject line “2017 Foster-Polite Scholarship Application.” Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST on January 7, 2017.
Application must include:
- A blinded (no name or university) electronic copy of the accepted proposal.
- A screenshot or PDF copy of the acceptance notification from the AERA program portal.
- A blinded personal statement form containing 250 words on the significance of the scholarship to your professional development and/or participation in the Annual Meeting.
- A personal information form: name, phone number, e-mail address, degree program, institution, and paper title.
Applicant Background
- Applicant is a member of AERA Division A at the time of the Annual Meeting.
- Applicant is enrolled full-time in a doctoral program related to educational administration, school leadership, or policy.
- Applicant is an author on a paper submission accepted for presentation for any Division A session or a SIG session that very closely matches Division A themes.
- Single or multiple author papers are acceptable.
- Applicant will fully participate in the Annual Meeting to the best of his/her ability.
- Applicant will attend the Division A Business Meeting to receive the award.
Learn more about how to apply at http://bit.ly/2gLpNNp.
2017 AERA Division A Dialogic Forum
Division A will be sponsoring a special roundtable for emerging research by graduate students at the 2017 AERA Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX. We invite you to submit research related to the 2017 Annual Meeting Theme: “Knowledge to Action: Achieving the Promise of Equal Educational Opportunity”
The Division A Dialogic Forum is an additional opportunity for graduate students who have not had their work already accepted in this year's convention. Consider submitting your work. It is a great platform to share your research, receive constructive feedback from scholars and peers, and get a pulse of current and future directions of research in the field. Even if this is your first presentation or your work in still in progress, we encourage you to submit! Please see below for more information about this call for proposals.
Proposal Requirements:
- Proposals must be related to the 2017 Annual Meeting Theme and fit into one of Division A's five sections: (a) leadership, (b) school organization and effects, (c) school improvement, (d) school contexts and communities, or (e) leadership development.
- May not be longer than 1,000 words (4-5 pages double-spaced). Page limit does not include charts, tables, and references.
- Should be blinded (no name or university) and formatted according to APA 6th edition
- Elements of the proposals should include:
- A short abstract (no more than 75 words)
- A short introduction to the project stating the intent of the work and the research questions to be addressed
- A review of the relevant literature
- Theoretical or conceptual framework
- Methods and sources of data
- Contribution to the field (theory and practice)
- Connection to the theme of conference and Division A
- Results are not required but may be included; work is expected to be in progress
- References
- 3-5 keywords that describe your research area (i.e. charter schools, school discipline, teacher assignment)
- Applicant is a current graduate student
- Applicant is a member of Division A at the time of the convention
- Applicant has not had their work already accepted into the AERA program
- Jackson and Clark Scholars are eligible
All applications will be blind-reviewed by Division A Graduate Student Committee representatives. Proposals that are late, incomplete, or exceed the 1,000 word limit will not be considered. Decisions will be sent via email after January 2017.
Contact Us!
Division A Graduate Student Committee
Websites: www.aeradivisiona.org
AERA Graduate Student Council
Click on the icons below to follow us on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook!