At the Graduate Student Seminar, panelists will be reading aloud their own letters to their “professional younger selves” and share with PhD students and graduates what they wish they would have known when they were starting out, what reassuring words they wished they would have received, and what they could have better prepared for. The panelists are at various points in their career trajectories, and their experience spans academic and applied settings and diverse methodological specialties. The seminar will also provide an extended opportunity for students and graduates to interact with members of this distinguished panel and pick their brain on topics related to completing their degrees and moving into the job market, finding out what knowledge and skills are needed for success in areas of quantitative and qualitative methodological research, application, and assessment in the future. This fantastic session will begin with a continental breakfast and include both large-group discussions and focused, small-group roundtables. You don’t want to miss this! Your older self will thank you!
The Division D, Measurement and Research Methodologies, Graduate Student Seminar Committee is pleased to announce an excellent panel of experts who will provide invaluable advice in the session “Ph.Diaries: Career Advice from Psychometric, Quantitative, and Qualitative Methodology Professionals.” This AERA pre-conference session will take place on Friday, April 5, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Mezzanine, Room Tutor 7. Please register this session through This survey also collects career development-related questions that you want to know from panelists.
At the Graduate Student Seminar, panelists will be reading aloud their own letters to their “professional younger selves” and share with PhD students and graduates what they wish they would have known when they were starting out, what reassuring words they wished they would have received, and what they could have better prepared for. The panelists are at various points in their career trajectories, and their experience spans academic and applied settings and diverse methodological specialties. The seminar will also provide an extended opportunity for students and graduates to interact with members of this distinguished panel and pick their brain on topics related to completing their degrees and moving into the job market, finding out what knowledge and skills are needed for success in areas of quantitative and qualitative methodological research, application, and assessment in the future. This fantastic session will begin with a continental breakfast and include both large-group discussions and focused, small-group roundtables. You don’t want to miss this! Your older self will thank you! ![]() Amanda Potterton published two articles during this past year that address school leaders’ experiences with, and decision-making processes in, Arizona’s long-standing market-based school choice system. Findings describe complex relationships with stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and community members, pressures to compete for students, and concerns about finances. In the Journal of Educational Administration, Amanda explains how school leaders at district public schools and charter schools spoke differently about competition and school choice. The article in Research in Educational Administration & Leadership (REAL) is part of a Special Issue about international perspectives on team leadership and shares the ways in which school leaders, parents, and other stakeholders made sense of market pressures and notions of accountability. Potterton, A. U. (2019). Leaders’ experiences in Arizona’s mature education market. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(1), 21-35. Potterton, A. U. (2018). Market pressure and Arizona public school leaders: “That package is like a brand new Cadillac!” Research in Educational Administration & Leadership (REAL), 3(2), 284-309. ![]() Financing Education in a Climate of Change, (13th edition, 2020) authored by Vern Brimley, Jr., Deborah A Verstegen, and Robert C. Knoeppel, was just released by Pearson Inc. This graduate education leadership text is a user-friendly, practical examination of school finance at the local, state and federal levels. It retains the practical tone and superior presentation that made the previous editions best sellers in the field. This release adds up-to-date information on classic and current topics, including the economics of education, state finance systems, budgeting and accounting for schools and districts, court cases, state taxes, charters and vouchers. Ample tables and figures throughout, include 50-state comparison tables that illustrate concepts and information. Also available from Pearson to accompany the text are both a test bank and PowerPoint slides for each chapter. Authors Vern Brimley (Brigham Young), Deborah Verstegen (University of Nevada, Reno) and Robert Knoeppel (University of South Florida) have used the text to teach university graduate classes in finance, business management and economics. It is available on-line and for rent in addition to purchase at V. Brimley, D A Verstegen & R Knoeppel (2020). Financing education in a climate of change. Boston, MA: Pearson Inc. John M. (aka Jay) Heffron, Professor of Educational History and Culture and director of the MA Program in Educational Leadership and Societal Change at Soka University of America, was notified recently by the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) that an article of his published last July in its journal, Management in Education (MiE) won the MiE Best Paper Award of 2018. The article is entitled “Soka education as a theory of leadership: Implications for the preparation, practice, and for the re-structuration of the modern principalship,” Management in Education Vol. 32, No. 3 (July 2018): 102-08.
Dr. Steven Bingham has been appointed Professor of Education in Leadership Studies at Stout School of Education, High Point University, High Point, NC. Bingham also serves as Executive Director of North Carolina Professors of Educational Leadership and President-Elect of Consortium for Research on Educational Assessment and Teaching Effectiveness whose 28th CREATE Annual Conference will be held at HPU, October 10 and 11, 2019. He has moved from Editor-in-Chief to Founding Editor of Journal of Organizational and Educational Leadership. With Paula Egelson and Karen Sanzo, Bingham is Editor and contributor to a recent Information Age Publication on instructional leadership (citation below).
Bingham, C. S., Egelson, P. E., and Sanzo, K., Eds. (2018) Research-based instructional practices of effective principals. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Matthew Militello, Wells Fargo Distinguished Professor in Educational Leadership at East Carolina University, has been awarded a five-year, $9.7 million U.S. Department of Education SEED (Supporting Effective Educator Development) grant. School leaders will engage with math and science teachers in their schools to improve teaching practices and academic discourse for equitable student outcomes. Leaders will earn a nine credit Micro-credential that includes two summer Learning Exchanges at ECU, on-site facilitated learning communities, and access to math classrooms in a virtual reality environment. For more information see
Link to full grant story on ECU website: Leading in Change: Implications for School Leadership Preparation in England and the United States considers the ways in which school leadership, and its preparation has changed and developed in response to a rapidly changing educational scenario over the past decade. Drawing together leading thinkers, researchers, and practitioners in the field of school leadership and management this text takes an international perspective to consider what we know about school diversification, and school leadership preparation. Theoretically and conceptually informed, the contributors’ draw on recent empirical research studies and practitioner experience into school leadership preparation to examine how neoliberal and neoconservative policies are working in unison to privatize and corporatize public schools. It looks at how these policies have impacted the preparation of school leaders. In addition to information, critique, and analysis, multiple perspectives are provided that readers can draw upon to ensure aspiring school leaders are successfully prepared to lead in a diversified and corporate school context.
Storey, V. A. (Ed.). (In press). School type diversification in England and the United States of America: Implications for school leader preparation programs. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Grounded in the theory of sociologist Karl Weick, this volume by Johnson and Kruse explores key concepts of educational leadership and organizational learning. The authors analyze and reflect on the implications of Weick’s thinking on leadership preparation and development. Providing a understanding of the influence of his ideas in education, this volume unpacks the ways in which Weick’s ideas influence and shape organizational learning and educational leadership and policy today.
Bob L. Johnson, Jr. and Sharon D. Kruse, editors. Educational Leadership, Organizational Learning, and the Ideas of Karl Weick Perspectives on Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge, 2019. Millersville University and Shippensburg University will sponsor their 3rd Annual Symposium on Educational Leadership on Saturday, April 27 at the Dixon University Center in Harrisburg, PA. The symposium will feature a keynote speech, concurrent sessions and panel discussion. This year's keynote is Dr. David Bateman, Professor, Shippensburg University and author of ASCD books A Principal's Guide to Special Education, 3rd edition, and A Teacher's Guide to Special Education. More information can be found on the symposium website:
![]() The book, Qualitative Longitudinal Methods: Researching Implementation and Change, addresses the use of the use of this method, unique methodological features, and the challenges and benefits to this approach. This short supplemental text uses examples of published studies, and the author’s own examples, to show application of the concepts. The book will be useful to those researching change and its impact on organizations and individuals resulting from the implementation of programs and policies. ISBN-10: 1506395791 Derrington, M.L. (2019). Qualitative longitudinal methods: Researching implementation and change. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage. Creativity Under Duress in Education? introduces a new framework—creativity under duress in education. Leading creativity researchers and educational scholars discuss creative theory and practice from an educational lens that is provocative. Across international contexts, this book combines insights from creativity and educational research; rich illustrations from classrooms, schools, and other professional settings, and practical ideas and strategies for how anyone invested in education can support creative teaching and learning. Readers will encounter diverse perspectives from an international cast of authors exploring cutting-edge ideas for creativity and innovation as a foremost priority for economies in the new millennium. At the same time, they consider forces of authority, control, and constraint that impact creative education and innovation within educational systems, extending to the professions. Educators and those interested in the future of education are vitally important to this conversation around research-based and practical analyses of creativity in and beyond the classroom. Addressed are these major issues: (1) creativity frameworks of theory and action in education, (2) research investigations into creativity and education, and (3) applications of creativity theory in real-world practice. Dynamic, this book presents a bridge between draconian contexts of assessment and explosive creativity in diverse places. A key contribution of the volume is its validation and promotion of creativity and innovation for students, teachers, professors, leaders, employers, policymakers, and others seeking ways to profoundly improve learning and transform education.
Mullen, C. A. (Ed.). (2019). Creativity under duress in education? Resistive theories, practices, and actions. Switzerland: Springer. (419 pp.) (ISBN#s 10: 3319902717; 13: 978-3319902715) Dr. Denver J. Fowler has accepted a new position as Chair of the Ed.D. program and Professor of PK-12 Educational Leadership at Franklin University in Columbus, Ohio. In addition to his new appointment, Dr. Fowler has been nominated for the 2019 AERA Division A "Early Career Award" and the 2019 AERA SIG 168 "Outstanding Publication Award."