Sarah Diem & Anjalé Welton
"Anti-Racist Educational Leadership and Policy helps educational leaders better comprehend the racial implications and challenges of the current educational policy landscape. Each chapter unpacks a policy issue such as school choice, school closures, standardized testing, discipline, and school funding, and analyzes it through the racialized and market-driven lenses of the current leadership context. Full of real examples, this book equips aspiring school leaders with the skills to question how a policy addresses or fails to address racism, action-oriented strategies to develop anti-racist solutions, and the tools to encourage their school community to promote racial equity. This important book demystifies a complex policy context and prepares current and future teacher leaders, principals, and superintendents to lead their schools towards more equitable practice."
Download chapters for free!
Josh Bornstein
Weekly strategizing sessions via Zoom titled "Solidarity 4 Ed Leaders: Support to Do the Right Thing this Fall." These are workshops, not webinars Meeting Thu. 4:00p.
Link to connect:
Carol A. Mullen
Mullen, Carol, A. (Ed.). (2020-2021). Handbook of social justice interventions in education. Springer. Living reference work:
Jennifer Nelson
Two links to important work:
Laurence Parker
Applied critical race theory: Educational leadership actions for student equity
by M. N. Amiot, J. Mayer-Glenn & L. Parker (2020). Race Ethnicity & Education, v. 23, n. 2, pgs. 200-220.
Alexandra E. Pavlakis
Pavlakis, A. E. (2020). At the nexus of two terrains: a critical ethnographic case study of an afterschool center for homelessness. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1-20.
Pavlakis, A.E., Pryor, K.N. Planning the Future in an Uncertain Present: Postsecondary Possibilities for Accompanied Youth of Color Experiencing Homelessness. Urban Rev (2020).
Heather E. Price
Using this podcast, Season 2, from the Center for Documentary Studies (CDS) at Duke University, as the backbone to class discussions on the pervasive whiteness of the USA:
Catherine Rosamond
As a member of the DEI Task Force Executive Committee at my college, I started in June 2020 a Faculty Book Club that focuses on reading books and viewing film that allow us to have critical discussions around race issues and intersectional oppression to reflect on our learned biases and how they might be ingrained in our teaching practices. It is an informal biweekly meeting in which I select the titles (all available online from the college library) and facilitate the conversations.
For more information:
Jim Schuerich
Editorial: "Did the IPS Board and the Chamber Perpetuate Systemic Racism?"
IPS Community Coalition's Antiracist Equity Agenda (7/27/20)
To read both pieces visit:
Robin Shields
Blog post: "Color-blind racism in University Hiring"
Henry Tran
Tran, H., Buckman, D. G., & Johnson, A. (2020). Using the Hiring Process to Improve the Cultural Responsiveness of Schools. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership.
Tran, H., Aziz, M., & Reinhardt, S. F. (2020). Rage Against the Machine: The Legacy of Education Leaders’ Valiant Struggle for Social Justice in Abbeville v. South Carolina. Journal of School Leadership.
Terri N. Watson
I am the guest editor for a special issue of JEAH, titled, A Seat at the Table: Examining the Impact, Ingenuity, and Leadership Practices of Black Women and Girls in PK - 20 Contexts - see link here:
Vajra M. Watson
What is a world without whiteness?
Transformative Schooling: Towards Racial Equity in Education –
Tanishia Williams
I Wish I Knew How it Would Feel to be Free: Black Women Equity Warriors in New York City Schools is intended to create a platform for the narratives of Black female leaders in K-12 schools. The workshop will highlight the role that race and gender play in the lives of women who have chosen to work in the field of education and how they traverse the double consciousness of self. This panel and workshop was intended to extend the practicality of research by forging a space for research to immediately inform the practice of the participants.
This extrapolation of research forefronts Black female leadership from school communities who leverage an antiracist political agenda to address the racial achievement gap. Each of the school leaders from this panel make use of components from the Equity and Excellence for All agenda in the boroughs of NYC with the greatest economic hardships. The Equity and Excellence for All political agenda is a series of programs and mandates designed to improve student achievement through an antiracist, equity driven lens. During the panel session, guests will share their navigation of remote learning, Back to School 2020, and antiracist policy implementation during a time of global health crisis. A confluence of policy, education and equity, this research is a subset of a larger body of work that prioritizes data from the vantage point of students, teachers and school leaders.
Link to event information: