Early Career Faculty Mentoring Seminar
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 7, 2016, 1 p.m.–5 p.m., and Friday, April 8, 2016, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Division A will sponsor a mentoring seminar for pre-tenure faculty members prior to the start of the 2016 AERA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. This year’s seminar will be held on two half days, Thursday (1-5 p.m.) and Friday(8:30 a.m.-noon). Pre-tenure faculty who are members of Division A are encouraged to register for this seminar.
The Division A Early Career Faculty Mentoring Seminar is an excellent opportunity to dialogue with mid-level and senior faculty and to network with other new faculty. The seminar is designed to:
- Provide support for pre-tenure educational leadership/school administration faculty
- Assist new faculty in preparing for pre-tenure reviews
- Assist new faculty in developing skills needed to be productive scholars in research, teaching and service
- Producing publications from your dissertation research
- Identifying publication outlets for your work
- Constructing an effective vita, professional statement, and course syllabus
- Interpreting and responding to teaching evaluations
- Understanding reappointment and promotion and tenure criteria
- Writing competitive grants
For additional information and to submit your registration, contact Angela Urick at [email protected]. This event is planned in coordination with Andrea Evans and Linda Tillman as co-chairs.