Check out these important new publications by Division A scholars and their colleagues below!
Marco A. Nava, [email protected]
Support at every level: To serve bilingual students, empower leaders, By Hilda Maldonado, Imelda L. Nava, and Marco A. Nava, The Learning Professional. APRIL 2019, VOL. 40 NO. 2
Liz Hollingworth, [email protected]
Terry Orr (Fordham) and Liz Hollingworth (Iowa) have a contract with Routledge to write a book about their work developing the Performance Assessment for Leaders. The book is tentatively entitled: "Designing Performance Assessments for School Leader Readiness" and is expected to be published in time for AERA 2020.
Kristin Shawn Huggins, [email protected]
Andreoli, P. M., Klar, H. W., Huggins, K. S., & Buskey, F. C. (2019). Learning to lead school improvement: An analysis of rural school leadership development. Journal of Educational Change.
Katherine C. Rodela, [email protected]
Rodela, K., & Fernández, E. (2019). A Latina Mother on T.V.: Challenges of Intragroup Advocacy for Equity in a Latinx Community. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Sonya Hayes, [email protected]
Hayes, S.D. (2019) Using developmental mentoring relationships to support novice principals to be leaders of learning. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 27(2), 190-212.
Nakia M. Gray-Nicolas, [email protected]
Gray-Nicolas, N. M., & Miranda, C. P. (2019). intersectional understandings of on-time high school graduation and college readiness for traditionally marginalized high school
students. Journal of School Leadership, 1052684619884252.
Josh Bornstein, [email protected]
Daniel Liou and I co-edited special issue of SoJo Journal. Full citation: Bornstein, J. and Liou, D.D. (Eds.) (2019). Transformative educational leadership praxis engaged with critical race and whiteness theory. The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education, 4(2).
Carol A. Mullen, [email protected]
Mullen, C. A. (Ed.). (2019). Creativity under duress in education? Resistive theories, practices, and actions. Switzerland: Springer. (419 pp.)
Cristóbal Rodríguez, [email protected]
This year has been a productive one for creative productions with leadership and policy implications. The first in being named the Intercultural Development Research Association José A. Cardenas School Finance Fellow. Second, is finalizing a special issue in the Association of Mexican American Educators Journal on Educational Research and Legal Advocacy with special issue co-editors Diane Torres-Velásquez from UNM, Marisa Bono and David Hinojosa as Former MALDEF Regional Counsels. The issue will be published by January of 2020.
William (Bill) Firestone, [email protected]
WA Firestone, JA Perry, AS Leland, RT McKeon Teaching Research and Data Use in the Education Doctorate, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 2019.
Dr. Denver J. Fowler, [email protected]
Co-Authored a peer-reviewed chapter titled "Leadership Practices for Supporting Equity in the PreK-12 Educational Setting" to appear in the forthcoming book titled The Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education edited by Dr. Rosemary Papa.
David B. Reid, [email protected]
Reid, D. B. (2019). What information do principals consider when evaluating teachers? School Leadership and Management, 39(5), 457-477
Reid, D. B. (2019). Making sense of new teacher evaluation policies and systems based on principals’ experience. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
Marco A. Nava, [email protected]
Support at every level: To serve bilingual students, empower leaders, By Hilda Maldonado, Imelda L. Nava, and Marco A. Nava, The Learning Professional. APRIL 2019, VOL. 40 NO. 2
Liz Hollingworth, [email protected]
Terry Orr (Fordham) and Liz Hollingworth (Iowa) have a contract with Routledge to write a book about their work developing the Performance Assessment for Leaders. The book is tentatively entitled: "Designing Performance Assessments for School Leader Readiness" and is expected to be published in time for AERA 2020.
Kristin Shawn Huggins, [email protected]
Andreoli, P. M., Klar, H. W., Huggins, K. S., & Buskey, F. C. (2019). Learning to lead school improvement: An analysis of rural school leadership development. Journal of Educational Change.
Katherine C. Rodela, [email protected]
Rodela, K., & Fernández, E. (2019). A Latina Mother on T.V.: Challenges of Intragroup Advocacy for Equity in a Latinx Community. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Sonya Hayes, [email protected]
Hayes, S.D. (2019) Using developmental mentoring relationships to support novice principals to be leaders of learning. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 27(2), 190-212.
Nakia M. Gray-Nicolas, [email protected]
Gray-Nicolas, N. M., & Miranda, C. P. (2019). intersectional understandings of on-time high school graduation and college readiness for traditionally marginalized high school
students. Journal of School Leadership, 1052684619884252.
Josh Bornstein, [email protected]
Daniel Liou and I co-edited special issue of SoJo Journal. Full citation: Bornstein, J. and Liou, D.D. (Eds.) (2019). Transformative educational leadership praxis engaged with critical race and whiteness theory. The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education, 4(2).
Carol A. Mullen, [email protected]
Mullen, C. A. (Ed.). (2019). Creativity under duress in education? Resistive theories, practices, and actions. Switzerland: Springer. (419 pp.)
Cristóbal Rodríguez, [email protected]
This year has been a productive one for creative productions with leadership and policy implications. The first in being named the Intercultural Development Research Association José A. Cardenas School Finance Fellow. Second, is finalizing a special issue in the Association of Mexican American Educators Journal on Educational Research and Legal Advocacy with special issue co-editors Diane Torres-Velásquez from UNM, Marisa Bono and David Hinojosa as Former MALDEF Regional Counsels. The issue will be published by January of 2020.
William (Bill) Firestone, [email protected]
WA Firestone, JA Perry, AS Leland, RT McKeon Teaching Research and Data Use in the Education Doctorate, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 2019.
Dr. Denver J. Fowler, [email protected]
Co-Authored a peer-reviewed chapter titled "Leadership Practices for Supporting Equity in the PreK-12 Educational Setting" to appear in the forthcoming book titled The Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education edited by Dr. Rosemary Papa.
David B. Reid, [email protected]
Reid, D. B. (2019). What information do principals consider when evaluating teachers? School Leadership and Management, 39(5), 457-477
Reid, D. B. (2019). Making sense of new teacher evaluation policies and systems based on principals’ experience. Leadership and Policy in Schools.