Check out recent publications and other accomplishments from our exceptional Division A scholars!
Sonya D. Hayes
Hayes, S.D. & Burkett, J.R. (2020). Almost a principal: Coaching and training assistant principals for the next level of leadership. Journal of School Leadership. Available first online at
Stone-Johnson, C. & Hayes, S.D. (2020). Using Improvement Science to (Re)Design Leadership Preparation: Exploring Curriculum Change Across Five University Programs. Journal of Research in Leadership Education. Available first online at
Hayes, S.D., & Mahfouz, J. (2020). Principals and mentorship: A review of perspectives, evidence, and literature 1999-2019. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 5(3), 722-751.
Hayes, S.D. & Angelle, P.A. (2020). Relational mentoring for supporting school principals in social justice leadership. In C. Mullen (Ed.), Handbook of Social Justice Interventions in Education. Springer.
Israel Aguilar
I would like to share with all Division A the great work Dr. Ian Mette, Dr. Douglas Wieczorek, and I did on researching state political cultures and teacher supervision and evaluation models. Please enjoy our 2020 accomplishment. I learned so much from working with these two fine scholars on this publication. Thank you, team, for your work on this publication:
Mette, I., Aguilar, I., & Wieczorek, D. (2020). A Thirty State Analysis of Teacher Supervision and Evaluation Systems in the ESSA Era. Journal of Educational Supervision, 3 (2).
Linsay DeMartino
I was honored to facilitate the Care and Caring in Remote Instruction webinar, the first of ten sessions from the inaugural Connecting the DOTS (Distant, Online Teachers & Students) interactive webinar series sponsored by the College of Education at Illinois State University. You can access the site here:
I am excited to announce the publication of one of my labors of love, De-centering the deficit framework: Courageous refugee mentors in educational spaces.
DeMartino, L. De-Centering the Deficit Framework: Courageous Refugee Mentors in Educational Spaces. Urban Rev (2020).
Jeremy D. Visone
Visone, J. D. (2020). Teacher leadership for excellence in US National Blue Ribbon Schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education.
Visone, J. D. (2020). Pre-launch preparations of a peer observation initiative viewed through a concerns model. Professional Development in Education, 46, 130-144.
Karen Seashore
I want to lift up my colleagues, Peter Demerath and Michael Goh, whose passion for teaching, ethnographic research and equity led to their appointment to a state-wide Minnesota initiative called Generation Next. Like many commissions, there was a lot of noise and little action -- except their work group, which produced "Narrowing School-Based Relationship Gaps" -- A freely available web-based video resource for educators. It is not a "peer reviewed publication" but it will have enormous impact in raising serious questions about how schools work with marginalized communities and what educators need to do to address embedded institutional racism.
Dr. Katie Pekel is a "Principal-in-Residence" in our department. Her energy and commitment has produced multiple years of funding for a year-long (non-degree) Principal Academy for mid-career school administrators. Further, she has linked successful completion of major research projects that members of that cohort can do for advanced credits and expedited entry to our Executive Doctoral Program. The result: state-wide support for our professional development and Ph.D. programs has increased enrollment in our doctoral cohort, which is growing, although it is more expensive and more rigorous than other programs in the state.
Kristina LaVenia
Principal Investigator on an award from the US DOJ to support training for school leaders. The focus of this project is leaders' improved awareness and response for (a) reducing school violence (with a special focus on violence against girls and minorities in schools), (b) response and prevention of substance abuse and addiction, and (c) improved mental health outcomes for students. We are working with 16 partner districts in OH on this 3-year, $750,000 award.
Bequita Pegram
Established a mentoring program for African American female students enrolled in a higher education. The first chapter began August 3rd on Prairie View A&M University.
Inducted into the Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society
Marco A. Nava
Nava, M. A., Dávalos, I. M., Crossin, M., Escobedo, A., Estrada, D., Lowe, H. L., ... & Sotomayor, M. (2020). THE PRINCIPAL'S COACH. The Learning Professional, 41(2), 43-46.
Nava, M. A., & Nava, I. L. (2020). PARTNERSHIPS IN PRACTICE. Creating School Partnerships that Work: A Guide for Practice and Research, 27.
Denver J. Fowler
Co-authored book titled "Human Resources for School Leaders: 11 Steps to Utilizing HR to Improve Student Learning" (Rowman & Littlefield). See:
Co-authored journal article titled "Educational Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange, and Teacher Self-Efficacy" in the Journal of Global Education and Research. See:
Nichole Walsh
Walsh, N., Ginger, K. and Akhavan, A., (2020).“Impact of Instructional Coaching on Teacher Efficacy with PreK-6 Teachers,” Issues in Educational Research, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1143-1161.
Harrington, L. and Walsh, N. (2020). “District Support of Alternative Permit Teachers for Increasing Efficacy and Retention.” Management in Education,
Akhavan, N. and Walsh, N. (2020). “Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Approach in K-8 Writing Instruction: A Case Study.” Journal of Education and Learning, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 123-142.
Raymond Pun
I have two edited books coming out next year. I signed two contracts (Mazie Press and ACRL Publication) and am excited that they will be out:
Wikipedia and Academic Libraries
Critical Ethnic Studies in Academic/Research Libraries
Obtained my Ed.D. in May 2020! I worked very hard under the pandemic and got it done. I am thankful of my chair Dr. James Mullooly and committee members Drs. Maria McCauley, Bob Bleicher and Annie White for their support and care!
James Martinez
Appointed as Assistant Director for the Center of Educational Leadership at the University of Tennessee to advance the support of educational leaders across the State (
Working as a member of an interdisciplinary team, worked to secure a $490,877 grant from the Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Family Foundation to "support the integration of virtue, ethics, and character in the University of Tennessee – Knoxville’s education leadership programming".
Kathryn Hayes
Based on years of research into the district capacity for science education, we have proposed a framework to organize the disparate elements of capacity proposed to support reform. The framework consists of five dimensions—expertise, cultural, social, structural, and policy—organized at three levels: individual, organizational, and external. A paper using this framework has been published in the American Journal of Education, demonstrating that organizational structures and policies, such as aligned schedules, play a central role in science professional learning opportunities. However, each structure was facilitated by other elements of capacity, including resources in the cultural and social dimensions.
Ann Hilliard
Hilliard, A. & Foose, R. (2020). How Can Educational Leaders Promote Greater Student Engagement Remotely During Covid-19. Advances in Sciences Research Journal. Vol. 7, No. 7 DOl
Carol A. Mullen
Mullen, C. A. (2020). Online doctoral mentoring in a pandemic: Help or hindrance to academic progress on dissertations? International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 1-19. doi.10.1108/IJMCE-06-2020-0029.
The guest-edited issue is underway: Mullen, C. A. (2021, in progress). Guest Editor of “Mentoring and Coaching in Times of Crises, Pandemics, and Social Distancing. International Journal of Mentoring & Coaching in Education, 10(2). Call for Papers (was due 11/16/20):
Mullen, C. A., Boyles, E., Witcher, A., & Klimaitis, C. (2020). Dynamics shaping collaborative peer group mentoring among educational leaders. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 28(4), 416-438.
The entire special issue has been published: Mullen, C. A. (2020). Guest Editor of “Dynamic Mentoring Groups, Programs, and Structures: Legacy Special Issue.” Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 28(4). Complete published issue:
Nathan S. Schilling
Superintendent of Schools for Lansing School District 158 and Continuing Adjunct Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Concordia University Chicago, was selected to publish a chapter in the second volume of Research on the Superintendency – Reclaiming Local Control Through Superintendents, School Boards, and Community Activism – by editors Dr. Leigh E. Wallace and Dr. Meredith L. Mountford. Dr. Schilling’s chapter will be titled “Illinois School Superintendents: Moral Purpose in Leadership of Nontraditional Teacher Pay” and focus on the ethics of fiscal and managerial decision-making by school district leaders in the wake of ongoing economic recession.
Also, I was selected to present a session titled “Illinois Superintendent Leadership of Nontraditional Teacher Pay: A Qualitative Inquiry of Moral Purpose” at the 2020 Associated Colleges of Chicago Area Scholarship of Pedagogy Symposium. Hosted virtually by North Central College and available from, Dr. Schilling’s presentation focuses on the ethics of human, fiscal, and material resource management by school district superintendents during times of economic recession – a topic reflecting synergy in educational leadership performance standards.
Cyrill Walters
Walters, C. The complexity of leadership in South African universities. Higher Education Research & Development. 2020.
Jansen, J. & Walters, C. (Eds.). 2020. Faultlines: A Primer on Race, Science and Society. Stellenbosch: SUNMedia.
Academic reviews:
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 75 (2020);
South African Journal of Science 116:9/10 (2020)
Kayon Morgan
Dr. Morgan was appointed for a two year term to the Mayor’s Permanent Task Force on Anti-Racism for the city of Middletown, CT where she will work closely with the mayor to advise the administration and promote the adoption of anti-racist policies and initiatives so as to address systemic racism both locally and nationally.
Summer Pannell
Accepted an Associate Professor position at Stephen F. Austin State University
Won Outstanding Faculty in Research and Scholarship at the University of Houston-Victoria
Malikah Nu'Man
Completed my Doctorate in Educational Leadership
Presented at ACSA Leadership Summit, November 2020
Lori L. Foltz-Rea
Successfully defended my dissertation. My topic was "Exploring Systemic Collaboration across Organizational Strata within Public Schools' Improvement Systems."
Ismat Abbas
Received Student Access Grant from National Council for Family Relations 2020
Acceptance to Candidacy
Mary McAllister-Parsons
Presenter at AAHHE 2020 conference
Presenter at AERA 2020 conference