Check out these great shares from our Division A scholar colleagues!
Our call for the fall 2021 newsletter was a general share of any scholarly activity of note since December 2020, when we last made this call.
Amanda Potterton shared:
Malin, J. R., Potterton, A. U., & Lubienski, C. (2021). Language matters: K-12 choice-favoring and public-favoring stories. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 57(3), 104-109.
Potterton, A. U., & Malin, J. R. (2021). Qualitative research designs for policy-relevant research. In A. M. Urick, D. E. DeMatthews, & T. G. Ford (Eds.), Maximizing the policy relevance of research for school improvement (pp. 137-162). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from
Summer Pannell shared:
Dickens, K.D., McBrayer, J.S., Pannell, S., & Fallon, K. (2021). Evidence-based leadership preparation program practices: From the perceptions of rural school leaders in the southern region. Georgia Educational Research Association Journal, 18(2).
Conducted an invited Pre-Conference Workshop at the National Youth Advocacy and Resiliency Conference on Reaching and Teaching All Students Using Restorative Circles.
Jennifer Smolos shared:
Successfully defended my dissertation and completed the Ph.D. in Educational Leadership & Administration at New York University.
Became Artistic Director of the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center, expanding my role as the Dean, School of Visual & Performing Arts at College of the Canyons.
Miguel Gonzales shared:
I was second author of manuscript entitled: Exploring School Leaders Communities of Practice and School Improvement. This case study describes a pilot professional development project in which school leaders met regularly in a community of practice to clarify each other’s identification of a problem of practice followed by development and implementation of a school improvement plan. Here is the link to the publication:
Roderick James Jones shared:
Appointed City Council Member-At Large; City of Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Co-Chair of Center for Racial and Restorative Justice, UW-Eau Claire
Kelly Brown shared:
My friend and colleague Dr. Sonia Rodriguez and I published our first edited book with IGI Global. The title is Black and Brown Leadership and the Promotion of Change in an Era of Social Unrest. All the authors did successfully highlight their stories and lifted their voices to contribute to the text. Thank you to each of them!
Marco A. Nava shared:
Publication: Nava, M.A., Estrada, D., & Ward Roncalli, S. (2021). Trauma-informed social-emotional leadership, teaching, and learning. Principal Leadership.
Success: LAUSD Induction & Credentialing successfully launched the Los Angeles Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (LAPASC) program that seeks to create a pipeline of high quality, equity driven leaders to serve the students of LA Unified. Integrating the learning from the field and current leadership theory, LAPASC is a 1-year program which prepares candidates in Instructional Leadership, Change Leadership, Systems/Operational Leadership and Vision/Community Leadership. LAPASC also covers the three assessment cycles of the California Administrator Performance Assessments. LAPASC’s development was a partnership between LAUSD and San Diego State University. The program is an investment in our future school leaders and offered tuition-waived to eligible candidates.
Elizabeth Leisy Stosich shared:
We recently published an article on administrators' policy advice networks and the implications for policy implementation. Stosich, E. L., Hatch, T., Hill, K., Roegman, R., T Allen, D. (2021). Social networks and policy coherence: Administrators’ Common Core and teacher evaluation advice networks. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(60).
Elizabeth Stosich, Tiedan Huang, and Elizabeth Gil of Fordham University were awarded a Teaching Race Across the Curriculum internal grant for “Preparing Anti-Racist School and District Leaders,” which will support them in developing and redesigning masters and doctoral curriculum to better prepare anti-racist leaders.
Erica Turner shared:
Suddenly Diverse: How School Districts Manage Race and Inequality (University of Chicago Press, 2020) won the 2021 Erickson and Hornberger Outstanding Ethnography in Education Book Award from the Center for Urban Ethnography at the University of Pennsylvania.
Suddenly Diverse was also named an honorable mention for the Bourdieu Best Book Award, which is awarded by the Sociology of Education Association.
Laurence Parker shared:
New chair of Educational Leadership & Policy at University of Utah
One of the AERA Fellows for 2021
Linsay DeMartino shared:
DeMartino, L. (2021). Adult learners, remote learning, and the COVID pandemic: Restructuring educational doctorate courses in crisis. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 6(2), 11-15.
DeMartino, L., & Weiser, S. G. (2021). Administrative leadership in times of a global health crisis: Voices and images from the field. Frontiers in Education, 6, 117.
DeMartino, L., & Weiser, S. G. (2021, April) Planning & Changing Special Issue (Guest Editor).
Jeremy D. Visone shared:
I was proud to work with Division A colleagues Drs. Maria Mongillo and Yan Liu on this article about collaboration and teacher evaluation:
Visone, J. D., Mongillo, M. B., & Liu, Y. (2021). Teachers' perceptions of collaboration within an evolving teacher evaluation context. Journal of Educational Change.
The book in which this chapter will be published is scheduled for publication this fall:
Visone, J. D. (in press). We can do this! Transformational leadership for school improvement. In K. N. LaVenia & J. J. May (Eds.), Case studies in leadership and adult development: Applying theoretical perspectives to real world challenges. Routledge.
Donna M. Druery shared:
Donna M. Druery completed her Ph.D. in Educational Administration at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas in May, 2021. Her dissertation is entitled "Navigating School Choice: Decisions That Women of Color Make in Choosing Charters Schools For Their Children's Education in Texas."
Dr. Druery will also be an Adjunct Professor at Texas A&M for the Fall, 2021 as well as serving as a PostDoc and Component Leader for the Accelerated Preparation of Leaders for Underserved Schools (APLUS) Grant.
Jessica C. Enyioha shared:
I lead a virtual Summer Youth Employment Program employing 440 interns safely at the start of the pandemic and published an article with a colleague telling the story.
Ruth Best shared:
Effective July 2021, after serving over 5 years as Director, Office of Clinical Practice, I was promoted to Assistant Dean of Clinical Experiences & Partnerships at Touro College.
Ann Hilliard shared:
Received certificate for Teaching in Online Hybrid Classes, Harvard University Business Publishing Education. Summer 2021.
Received Higher Education Teaching Certificate, Harvard University. Summer 2021.
Our call for the fall 2021 newsletter was a general share of any scholarly activity of note since December 2020, when we last made this call.
Amanda Potterton shared:
Malin, J. R., Potterton, A. U., & Lubienski, C. (2021). Language matters: K-12 choice-favoring and public-favoring stories. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 57(3), 104-109.
Potterton, A. U., & Malin, J. R. (2021). Qualitative research designs for policy-relevant research. In A. M. Urick, D. E. DeMatthews, & T. G. Ford (Eds.), Maximizing the policy relevance of research for school improvement (pp. 137-162). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from
Summer Pannell shared:
Dickens, K.D., McBrayer, J.S., Pannell, S., & Fallon, K. (2021). Evidence-based leadership preparation program practices: From the perceptions of rural school leaders in the southern region. Georgia Educational Research Association Journal, 18(2).
Conducted an invited Pre-Conference Workshop at the National Youth Advocacy and Resiliency Conference on Reaching and Teaching All Students Using Restorative Circles.
Jennifer Smolos shared:
Successfully defended my dissertation and completed the Ph.D. in Educational Leadership & Administration at New York University.
Became Artistic Director of the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center, expanding my role as the Dean, School of Visual & Performing Arts at College of the Canyons.
Miguel Gonzales shared:
I was second author of manuscript entitled: Exploring School Leaders Communities of Practice and School Improvement. This case study describes a pilot professional development project in which school leaders met regularly in a community of practice to clarify each other’s identification of a problem of practice followed by development and implementation of a school improvement plan. Here is the link to the publication:
Roderick James Jones shared:
Appointed City Council Member-At Large; City of Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Co-Chair of Center for Racial and Restorative Justice, UW-Eau Claire
Kelly Brown shared:
My friend and colleague Dr. Sonia Rodriguez and I published our first edited book with IGI Global. The title is Black and Brown Leadership and the Promotion of Change in an Era of Social Unrest. All the authors did successfully highlight their stories and lifted their voices to contribute to the text. Thank you to each of them!
Marco A. Nava shared:
Publication: Nava, M.A., Estrada, D., & Ward Roncalli, S. (2021). Trauma-informed social-emotional leadership, teaching, and learning. Principal Leadership.
Success: LAUSD Induction & Credentialing successfully launched the Los Angeles Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (LAPASC) program that seeks to create a pipeline of high quality, equity driven leaders to serve the students of LA Unified. Integrating the learning from the field and current leadership theory, LAPASC is a 1-year program which prepares candidates in Instructional Leadership, Change Leadership, Systems/Operational Leadership and Vision/Community Leadership. LAPASC also covers the three assessment cycles of the California Administrator Performance Assessments. LAPASC’s development was a partnership between LAUSD and San Diego State University. The program is an investment in our future school leaders and offered tuition-waived to eligible candidates.
Elizabeth Leisy Stosich shared:
We recently published an article on administrators' policy advice networks and the implications for policy implementation. Stosich, E. L., Hatch, T., Hill, K., Roegman, R., T Allen, D. (2021). Social networks and policy coherence: Administrators’ Common Core and teacher evaluation advice networks. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(60).
Elizabeth Stosich, Tiedan Huang, and Elizabeth Gil of Fordham University were awarded a Teaching Race Across the Curriculum internal grant for “Preparing Anti-Racist School and District Leaders,” which will support them in developing and redesigning masters and doctoral curriculum to better prepare anti-racist leaders.
Erica Turner shared:
Suddenly Diverse: How School Districts Manage Race and Inequality (University of Chicago Press, 2020) won the 2021 Erickson and Hornberger Outstanding Ethnography in Education Book Award from the Center for Urban Ethnography at the University of Pennsylvania.
Suddenly Diverse was also named an honorable mention for the Bourdieu Best Book Award, which is awarded by the Sociology of Education Association.
Laurence Parker shared:
New chair of Educational Leadership & Policy at University of Utah
One of the AERA Fellows for 2021
Linsay DeMartino shared:
DeMartino, L. (2021). Adult learners, remote learning, and the COVID pandemic: Restructuring educational doctorate courses in crisis. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 6(2), 11-15.
DeMartino, L., & Weiser, S. G. (2021). Administrative leadership in times of a global health crisis: Voices and images from the field. Frontiers in Education, 6, 117.
DeMartino, L., & Weiser, S. G. (2021, April) Planning & Changing Special Issue (Guest Editor).
Jeremy D. Visone shared:
I was proud to work with Division A colleagues Drs. Maria Mongillo and Yan Liu on this article about collaboration and teacher evaluation:
Visone, J. D., Mongillo, M. B., & Liu, Y. (2021). Teachers' perceptions of collaboration within an evolving teacher evaluation context. Journal of Educational Change.
The book in which this chapter will be published is scheduled for publication this fall:
Visone, J. D. (in press). We can do this! Transformational leadership for school improvement. In K. N. LaVenia & J. J. May (Eds.), Case studies in leadership and adult development: Applying theoretical perspectives to real world challenges. Routledge.
Donna M. Druery shared:
Donna M. Druery completed her Ph.D. in Educational Administration at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas in May, 2021. Her dissertation is entitled "Navigating School Choice: Decisions That Women of Color Make in Choosing Charters Schools For Their Children's Education in Texas."
Dr. Druery will also be an Adjunct Professor at Texas A&M for the Fall, 2021 as well as serving as a PostDoc and Component Leader for the Accelerated Preparation of Leaders for Underserved Schools (APLUS) Grant.
Jessica C. Enyioha shared:
I lead a virtual Summer Youth Employment Program employing 440 interns safely at the start of the pandemic and published an article with a colleague telling the story.
Ruth Best shared:
Effective July 2021, after serving over 5 years as Director, Office of Clinical Practice, I was promoted to Assistant Dean of Clinical Experiences & Partnerships at Touro College.
Ann Hilliard shared:
Received certificate for Teaching in Online Hybrid Classes, Harvard University Business Publishing Education. Summer 2021.
Received Higher Education Teaching Certificate, Harvard University. Summer 2021.