Check out these great shares of our Division A Scholarly work and accomplishments!
Cat Biddle Shared:
Amy Azano, Karen Eppley and Catharine Biddle are happy to annouce the October publication of their new edited book "The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rural Education in the United States" which features a focus on rural education leadership and policy, along with writing from many Division A scholars, including Sheneka Williams, Daniella Hall Sutherland, Erin McHenry-Sorber, Sarah Zuckerman, Alex Redcorn, and John Sipple, among others.
Casey D. Cobb shared:
Casey Cobb published a new book, Public and Private Education in America: Examining the Facts (ABC-CLIO, 2021). In the book, Cobb and his co-author Gene Glass answer a broad selection of contentious questions facing education in the United States today. The book addresses such topics as virtual schools, standardized testing, school choice, bilingual education, and school safety. Each Q&A entry throughout the book is accompanied by a detailed explanation, citing research studies, combing through conflicting data, and dispelling myths.
James Martinez shared:
In collaboration with Dr. Lisa Amick (University of Kentucky), published results of an in-depth, six-week study focused on the experiences of two high school administrators during the re-opening of their school in the 2020-2021 school year. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on school administrator self-efficacy and feelings of support are highlighted. The article, entitled "The Reopening of a School during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Administrative Lens", appears in volume 6, issue 2 of the Research in Educational Administration & Leadership (REAL) Journal. The article can be found online at
To highlight feelings of support and retention as a result of a ten-minute meeting involving school principals and early career teachers, Dr. Fred Uy (California State University Chancellor's Office), Dr. Cathy Williams (Bemidgi State University) and I published "Effects Of A Collaborative, Technology-based Intervention Involving School Principals To Retain Early-Career Teachers: A Scaled, Quantitative Research Study" in volume 7, issue 1 of the Journal for Leadership, Equity, and Research (JLER). The article can be found online at
Clare Washington shared:
Fall 2021 - PhD in Education (Culture and Development)
Jeremy D. Visone shared:
I have published a new book about empowering teacher leadership:
Visone, J. D. (2022). Empowering teacher leadership: Strategies and systems to realize your school’s potential. Routledge.
I had the following article about repairing trust in a school community following an emergency evacuation event published in the Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, which is sponsored by UCEA:
Visone, J. D. (2021). Do I trust sending my kid back to school? Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 24(4), 16-29.
Neda G. Ramirez shared:
DELSA President 2021-2022: This September, I was elected to be president of the Doctoral Educational Leadership Student Association at UTRGV. The mission of DELSA is "to encourage and support the development and success of doctoral students in the (UTRGV) Educational Leadership doctoral program." It is an honor and privilege to serve in this role.
Dissertation Data Collection- This September I began data collection for my dissertation study. Although it has been challenging to collect and analyze data during a global pandemic, I am doing my best!